Re: Communicator
Hi Dave,
I was just rereading your question. I can tell you at this point that the statement in question wasn't meant to be hurtfull. It was said by a female. I sense a lot of love from the spirit who told you that and the same love towards someone very close to you, who is still amoung the living. I see the event that provated that statement as a tragic one.
Someone is diffently trying to get your attention. Did something happen that you blame yourself for? When in fact it wasn't your fault at all? I believe there is more than one person trying to reach out to you.
That's all for now. I have not done a meditation on it yet. Just going on "gut" feelings. Let me know if that makes any sense at all please.
Libra : )
Hi Dave,
I was just rereading your question. I can tell you at this point that the statement in question was meant to be hurtfull. It was said by a female. I sense a lot of bitterness from the spirit who told you that and the same bitterness towards someone very close to you, who is still amoung the living. It seems like a sister or sister n law type. I see the event that provated that statement as a tragic one.
That's all for now. I have not done a meditation on it yet. Just going on "gut" feelings. Let me know if that makes any sense at all please.
Libra : )