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I'm sending you healing energy from the shore of the Western Ocean.

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Owen Views: 3,098
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 500,193

I'm sending you healing energy from the shore of the Western Ocean.

Dear Janaki,

Thank you for that beautiful, inspirational
message! Be assured that I will send you
healing energy tonight, and every night from
now on, as well as a special dose at noon
tomorrow. All of your many, many friends on
CureZone will do the same thing.

I'm overjoyed that you're so upbeat and positive about what this experience will mean
to your life! Yes, use it to banish fear from
your life. Once the deep, age-old fears have
been flushed out of your pysche, Janaki, life will just get better and better. I'm convinced
that old fears and disappointments are
extremely toxic to body, soul, and mind.

Get a good night's sleep tonight. Talk gently
to your sweet body. Tell it how much you love
it. Thank all the hurting parts for their
enormous contribution to your life. Say a
loving goodbye to those organs which will be
moving on tomorrow. Ask all your cells to
send love, blessings, and deep gratitude
to your ovary and appendix; old friends who
are giving up their life so that the rest of
you can live.

I'm sure, Janaki, that you will not only survive, but thrive! Don't let even a scintilla
of doubt creep in. And as soon as you're able,
please post an update on the surgical event
and its aftermath. We'll all be waiting for

Be At Peace,

Love & Blessings,




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