Re: question for Lapis/anyone--how to implement law of attraction in my case??
Ah, a more gentle way of creating *change* is through acceptance and self-love. Even if you do NOT like what you see, and this is understandable, your ability to accept the imbalance with patience and love will afford you the energy to shift.
And of course, the bad neighborhood (of the mind), eg conversations about how uncomfortable you are with the situation and even the worsening of the condition generates an more of the same.
For now some self forgiveness and some love and compassion for yourself will nuture you, and do not forget the patience!
I have written this treatment for you:
Bharati and I are One, we are God and he is One with us. Today, Bharati meets his good. His good is at hand and nothing can interfere with his highest Good. Good is forever expressing itself to Bharati. We can see and hear and feel all the good in and around him. This Good presses around Bharati, and fills him with a great Surge of Life.
Today Bahrati claims his Good.
I release this word to the Universe and know that it is already done. And So It Is! Amen!
You are beginning your healing now!