Re: No Longer A Christian
You are so right, #2853. I see alot of hypocrisy with many who call themselves Christians. I even see it in myself.
Thank God that Jesus isnt like the rest of us. Being "born again" or "saved" doesnt mean a person is now a wholesome good hearted person. We all still have to deal with our lousy human nature on a daily basis. The difference is that being a Christian- one has the option of crying to God to convert us instead of having no help at all.
Many Christians think, that once they accepted Jesus in thier hearts that they can go about doing things the way they've always done them- accept the difference is that God will be with them.
Even our current American president-- who really did have an experience that converted him years ago- is seen often to revert to his old human stubborness. He fails to put decisions before God and assumes that every goal he wants as president must be God's will- since the people voted for him- giving him a "mandate".
How very wrong. There is a verse in the Bible that states something like, "He who continues to the END will be saved".
Once you accept Jesus, you have more responbility than others to allow God to correct, clean you up and change you. You cant do it by yourself, but by being shown the corruption in our human nature-- (and God even uses our enemies to point out bad traits in us), we can submit them before God and rely on His strength to change. By staying close to Jesus, The Holy Spirit will gradually change us into Jesus' image.
If you recall in the New Testament, that it was the Pharisees- the religious Elite - the Pharisees -- who were considered spotless and blameless, who wanted Jesus killed. They succeeded temporarily.
The hookers, tax collectors and average folk accepted Jesus in general- but most of the religious elite hated Jesus.
This spirit is still alive today in the Muslim Taliban and in many in various branches in the World's version of the Christian churches.
Spiritual arrogance is the same hypocrisy that Jesus taught against when on Earth.- Many who call themselves Christians today would actually have put Jesus to death on the Cross themselves if they were born 2000 years ago.
God doenst look at a persons religion or denomination- he reads the persons' heart.
Though the Taliban recognizes the true hypocrisy and materialistic evil of the Western World, they have fallen in the other extreem. Their attitude is one of hate and spiritual arrogance.