21 y
Re: Asperger's Syndrome
You are certainly very well-versed in many aspects that could possibly be contributing to your daughter's condition. You are doing a wonderful job of educating people, so thank you for that.
One thing really strikes me about being a parent. We all do the best we can for our children, at the time we are doing it, with the knowledge that we have at the time. I am very, very grateful that I had an awareness of the possible dangers of
vaccination and opted out of it. I was so careful during pregnancy with my diet - no prescription drugs, tobacco or any alcohol consumption for years prior to conception and I took expensive supplements before, during and after pregnancy. I did everything "right" and yet my daughter is still challenged in this way. I am perplexed a bit but accept that things happen for a reason. We are living in extraordinary times where we humans are being exposed to unprecedented levels of dangerous toxins in our environment and their impacts are often unknown. I also wonder just how much candida might be playing a role in her condition. Have the two been linked? I currently do not have time to go and read all the messages in this Forum. But I hope to sooner than later.
Thanks again for all the great information you provide.