CF, could you explain it to me?
"A healthy body is easier to create than an unhealthy one. It can be done in a moment."
What do you mean?
My problem with dealing with my body is, on the contrary, that while the mind can be healed in an instant, the body requires patience, care and consistency. The same qualities that have helped me so much to grow until now in my life, like a certain ability to be fresh every moment and subvert every rule and belief without longings, a certain intensity without memory, now seem to me to be on the way when it comes to the body. I understand it is ok like this, if I have enhanced one way, life asks me now to enhance also the other way, and at the end of the story I will just be more whole and complete. But I would like very much you to develop more your concept, if you have the time for it. It could be of great help for me just to close the circle and understand how to go left by going to the right, so to say. (sorry for my bad English, I'm italian)
thank you