1. You are on the right track, so keep up the cleanses and balanced lifestyle. The better you digest foods, the less dehydrated and acidified the intestinal tract will be, which in return will reduce the dryness and peeling of the lips. For the anxiety, you may wish to consider having a Sacred Santemony session (see my website).
2. If you have my book Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation. If he eats animal proteins such as meat, fish, eggs, chicken, cheese and milk, the chances for another attack are high. By taking care of the root causes of heart disease, he can even reverse the damage that has occured to his heart muscles. If you don't have the book, in a few days, I will publish a 130-page book "Heart Disease No More," which basically has the same information as in Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation, but it is just on heart disease.