I tried this myself and couldn't get it to sprout. I made sure, though, not to influence the water by touching or look at it. As you may know from research on water, like Dr. Masaru Emoto's work, you can easily turn dead and contaminated water into clean vibrant water through thought and intention. He did these experiments with all types of water. See his website and check out some of photographs: http://www.hado.net/water_crystals2.html
If you want to revive dead water such as from microwave treatment, more consciously than accidentally handling it (your hands emit rays and energies that heal damaged structures) follow some of the directions Emoto suggests. When I eat out in a restaurant and food has been microwaved I use my right hand and focused intention to bring life force back into the food and repair many of the damaged molecular bonds. In India, people eat their food with their hands because it not only energizes it, but also lets the body know through the sense of touch what types and amounts of enzymes it needs to come up with to digest the food. Food for thought!