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Re: vata/cleanse
Andreas Moritz Views: 8,473
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 496,850

Re: vata/cleanse

You probably have received Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation by now and got your answers from there.
Vata types, after a period of constipation, can also develop loose bowels when indigestion turns chronic and leads to an increased occurrence of destructive bacteria.

In combination with liver flushes, it best to use proper colonics or colemas. Normal oil bastis or other types of enemas don't reach the ascending and transverse colon, and any stricture or obstruction in these parts of the colon may catch stones and thereby cause and even more serious obstruction. So, I strongly recommend that you follow the step-by-step directions for liver/colon cleansing laid out in the book. There is a also a very effective kidney cleanse.

I have closely dealt with the milk and dairy question in Timless Secrets. Whereas raw milk is certainly preferable to pasteurized milk, it is not to be used by everyone. I have been able to help many people in India recover from chronic respiratory and digestive ailments, including sanyasis (holy men) whose health declined after 30 or more years of drinking cows milk, simply by cutting out the milk and cheeses (not an easy task for them as you may know). When Indians come to the States, there are many possible causes for their decline of health. For one thing, fruits and vegetables In India don't tend to get washed and sterilized and therefore contain normal B-vitamin populations develop on the surface of the skins of the vegetables (B-vitamins are bacteria that thrive when natural fertization methods are used, such as cow or goat dung). Here, this natural source of B-vitamin is practically missing and Indians have not adjusted their body's to produce enough of the is vitamin in their colon. Many problems can are arise from this. And the other problem is the new choice of fats, oils and other foods here that their bodies have no way of handling.




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