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Re: Advice on about a child
Andreas Moritz Views: 4,224
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 496,829

Re: Advice on about a child

When John was left by his mother, he missed her familiar heart beat and felt rejected and deserted (not consciously, through). The following rejections were more conscious as he was older. During one of these incidents his soul called in an entity (the soul of a person who suddenly died from a knife wound and who hasn't moved on yet, that is, into the light). The entity used to carry a knife and is acting out its agression and habits through John, especailly if and when he is threatened. He is a good kid with no violent tendencies, but the entity is taken over much of the time, especially when threatened. Under threat, as you described, the entity takes over John's entire personality and takes on an evil expression, like a possessed person. The entity used to steal things. John allowed the entity to "make him stronger" because the insecurity and low self worth as a result of being abondoned several times. I remove entities through Sacred Santemony (see my website), but it requires the strong desire of the afflicted person to dispel them. And not everyone is ready to do so. Very violent entities are more difficult to release, and I do this work only with my wife, and in person. Agressive entities have a nervousness to them and cause the host to be destracted. They call this ADHD. They cannot look you straight in the eyes and hold the gaze, and can become angry quickly. Their eyes wander and are all over the place. Such entities also love violent computer games; this allows them to express their fantasies. Most murders and violent crimes such as rape occur when the entities take over. Often the host doesn't even realize what happened until afterwards. They just don't know why they did what they did. When caught, they are punished for crimes they didn't actually commit, the entities did.



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