Re: Fiber and herbs
1. Wheat germ has good nutrient benefits, unless you have a problem/allergy with wheat. I am not sure what cerial you are referring to, but you may want to to a muscle test (Kinesiology) on that. In as how it benefits the liver and gallbladder, I do not know.
2. These herbs are powerful blood and tissue cleansers and they are packed with antibodies/active ingredients; so taking too much of them can irritate the intestinal lining. I would suggest to reduce the amount to sustain the benefit for the mind and brain, but avoid the cramps in the intestines. Cilantro aids the liver in its blood-cleansing efforts.
3. Yes, they are. However, when the body releases blood, a lot of what people take in terms of supplements tends to escape with it.
4. I have seen this happen often enough to say that, yes, it can. However, the liver and gallbladder cleansing plays only one part of it. The colon is just as important and so are diet, mealtimes, bedtimes, lifestyle, emotions, etc. (see Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation for more details). Panic occurs when major meridians such as liver, heart and stomach meridians get temperorily almost completely blocked due to physical congestion or any other influence that causes congesiton. The panic attacks helps to open up the meridians again and restore the flow of Chi (life force) to an acceptable level.