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Re: anger, stress, men/women

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Andreas Moritz Views: 3,453
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 496,660

Re: anger, stress, men/women

I couldn't have said it any better, and complety agree with you. Obviously, there are variations to this, depending on how much feminine or masculine energies are naturally present in the individual. Socially, it appears to be more acceptable for men to show anger than for women. Woman often feel more intimidated when criticized and so they keep the hurt feelings to themselves. It is very important, therefore, that they express their feelings when they occur, not after the fact. This requires courage and the will to stand up for what they think and feel, regardless of what others think about them. Over the past 40-50 years, the male-dominated society has shifted to greated balance between the two genders. Women have greatly empowered themselves as feminine energies began to be enriched by male energies, while typical male energies began to be enriched by increasing feminine energies. So the gap between genders is becoming gradually smaller, so much so that they overlap in a number of the people (homosexuality). THis doesn't mean that everyone will become gay, but it means that we will understand the other gender more than ever before. This also means that the rivalry and conflict between men and women will eventually come to end end. When the oneness is recognized by both men and women, there will be an ideal society, one that is love-based. While this is emerging, everything that is not love-based will be thrown out, cry and shout. This is what is happening in the world right now. It is important for women to stand by their truths, by their feelings, and instincts. Let the men have their tandrums. With each liver flush another layer of suppressed feelings is lifted. With each kidney cleanse, another layer of fear is lifted. All this may not feel good while being released, but it is worthy at the end. Books like Lifting the Veil of Duality and methods like Sacred Santemony (see my website) can make it easier for a person to go through this awakening process.




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