Re: left sided questions
Dear pj,
What is get is that the lack of being nurtured and loved by your mother when you were young led to an increasing inability to receive love and energy and love, nurture and give to yourself in a similar way that you gave to your family and others. Your mother neglected you and so you learned to do this to yourself also. Your left side, which is your receiving side, sort of withered away while your giving side thrived. The cells making up the organs and parts on your left side moved into the protection mode and felt not very worhty of love, energy and nourishment. This weakened them and diminished their vitality. When the pendulum started swinging from the one extreme to the other extreme, it shocked those around you because they were not used to that new part of you. There is great learning in this for them, so do not be concerned about that. Your missed your childhood mother, but this can actually work out in your favor. You are awakening to a more complete you because of it, a kind of self-discovery and desire to love yourself, which is far more important than being loved by others. The extra nipple serves as a reminder that it flaws can make you special and they are no obstacle to loving ourselves. As James Allen once said: "As a progressive and evolving being, man is where he is, that he may learn, that he may grow; and as he learns the spiritual lesson which any circumstance contains for him, it passes away to other circumstances." The experiences that you have had in your life carry a spiritual meaning that is so precious for you that they can only be considered blessings. When you see them this way, they will be tranformed into the opportunities and gifts that they truly are. Loving your left side, the receiving part of your body, through cleansing, nourishment, and making time for yourself, for what you love to do, will return the flow of energy into it and make you more whole than ever before. The aches, pains and swellings you described are more related to the release of stagnant waste and energy in your body than they are to creating problems. Keep cleansing your eliminative organs and live more "selfishly", for this will serve everyone in your family just as well, even if they cannot see it yet.