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Re: Gray hair!!!
lisag Views: 5,101
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 496,688

Re: Gray hair!!!

one order (2 8oz bottles) lasts about 3 months. the only ingredients i know of are wild ginseng and detoxified iodine, but i know there's other stuff in there. if you're interested, email steve. making these formulas is his passion, and he's more than happy to converse with you about it. i don't feel comfortable posting his email on this forum, but if you're interested, email me and i'll pass it on.

regarding the expense - the ingredients are definitely picked with extra care, worked on by only one person who uses cayce's directions on how to make it. so... its not your average product made by a big company. sometimes its necessary to pay good money for something really good. (my opinion).

as to how it works - i don't really know. cayce's formulas in general had to do with both eliminations and assimilation. if 'what-goes-ina' is in balance with 'what-goes-outa,' that's a healthy thing.

for balding - i don't think its the answer. my husband's hair hasn't returned up top. but the hair that's there already is definitely changing back to black. the fella that makes it is balding and has taken it for longer than my husband. he said that his balding may be changing alittle bit for the better, but nothing outrageous.



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