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Hair loss and weight gain, thyroid
samantha60 Views: 2,322
Published: 19 y

Hair loss and weight gain, thyroid

Hi Andreas, I received your books and have been glued to them for 2 days! They are fascinating and I have more left to read. After my clay bath last week, I removed a lot of black stuff from the clay and my stools have been much less dark in color and less hard. Today I went for my first colonic, and I will have another one next week. Just trying to figure out how quickly I can do all this. How many colonics does a person need before they can do a liver cleanse? Since i have had many urinary tract infections in my life, I need a kidney cleanse too? Can I do the kidney cleanse while I have the colonics? I am feeling well through all of this, but my hair is still falling out which is scaring me. Getting rid of the ionic hairdryer didn't seem to help much, though my scalp is much less itchy. I am eating all vegetarian now, trying to move bedtime to earlier and earlier, but that is hard. Thanks for your help. I feel so lucky to have found you and your help!


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