A wonderful and most inspiring read even if Cancer is not your issues – here is a sample from the book that stuck to my mind for a long time.
“We ought to give the most developed and complex system in the universe – the human body – a little more credit than it has so far received, and trust that it knows perfectly well how to conduct its own affairs, even under the grimmest of circumstances. “
“It is the expansion of love that is the main purpose of our existence here on earth. Those who love themselves are also able to love others and vice versa.”
I am sure many Cancer sufferers will greatly benefit from this book but I would highly recommend it as a great read for anyone – it makes us all aware about the nature & message of all ailments.
Thank you, dear brother for this wonderful contribution to the world!! I view all diseases/ailments as a message to assist in our journey to get to know our selves – ever since you came into my life.