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Re: The Cause of IBS and the Cure
  Views: 10,562
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Re: The Cause of IBS and the Cure

Beautifully said Malissa. The stress, fear, anger, etc that we feel cause chemical changes in our body. God designed us this way. These chemical changes over time have an impact. I believe that we must do our best to bring our heart and emotions in line with what God says (with His help), and then our bodies can calm down, and do the jobs it was meant to do. God does heal two ways. First - by His natural laws that He created. When we come in line with what He teaches will bring blessing - it simply works. Second, and according to His word, healing supernaturally when we need it is for every believer in covenant with Him if we will only draw close to Him, trust Him and make Him Lord and Savior. Many denominations have taugt against this, but Jesus said the traditions of men make the power of God of no effect. He also could not do many miracles in His own hometown because of the unbelief of the people. To those who don't agree I would say to study the scriptures for yourself, know what the covenant between God and His church is, and believe God's word over what people say and over what the failures of men have produced. That's part of the recipe for receiving.

God loves us, and if we won't believe Him for His best, He will help us where we are - which may mean using medicines, etc.

I personally do believe it's fine to take care of the physical body while seeking God for the healing. I've done many things that have helped me feel much better. However I know that God is the true healer. For folks who try and try and nothing ever gets them ahead, it may be because there is something wrong in the spiritual end of things. It wasn't until I started dealing with my bitterness, fears, etc that I started making progress. Here's an interesting article with some resources for those who want to get started, including a link to Henry Wright's book & ministry.


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