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Re: paraesthia on face

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Re: paraesthia on face

I live in minnesota... i dont' know if the drugs stayed more in my face, or if i just noticed it more there. prednisone is known to produce 'moon face' so it may coagulate more there. my skin texture is completely messed up all over my body. Prednisone is a nasty drug which is given mostly for autoimmune conditions. I've read that 4% of people that take prednisone actually need hip replacement because the hip bone dies. And my own sacrum started itching unbearably, and my healer did say it was a build up of toxins. She helped with it and that went away. I don't think prednisone is alone in its ability to do harm, I've read many accounts on curezone of disastrous reactions to drugs. The doctors don't realize that although they are trying to treat one symptom, they end up doing something to the whole body, in a bad way. Andreas' liver flushing make so much sense to me because it too treats the whole body even though it targets the liver, but in a good way. Here I am, on my soapbox tirade against doctors, as usual. Isn't it ironic - my brother is an ex doctor that is now the CEO of a pharmecutical drug company.

When I hear you say that your osteopath says that the toxins are like sludge, i take that to mean that he feels that your system is running slow, slow to respond, etc. I have heard that same thing from body workers, that my body runs slow. I think liver flushing can only help that situation.

I hesitate to say this one, but there is a product that i know of that can work on hormone imbalance, called rejuvedine. it is an edgar cayce formula of detoxified iodine based in alchohol. info about it here Also, my chiropractor told me that when adrenals are high, thyroid is low. Maybe Andreas can comment on this, I don't know. But... something to ask, anyway. I take Dr. Christopher's herbal thyroid formula. Personally I don't take any fake hormones - DHEA, melatonin, etc., just because to me they seem only 1 step better than pharmecuticals... just man made things which are imitations of the real thing.

I'll be looking forward to hearing what Andreas says about the DHEA cortisol stuff.

What products are they treating you with for the hormone inbalance?


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