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Re: The future of science and technology

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Andreas Moritz Views: 1,329
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 495,400

Re: The future of science and technology


A lot of people are scared of these new technologies because we have experienced it all before, with unpleasant unconscious memories. Genetic experimentation, not so dissimilar to the Genome and other projects, has led to the destruction of Atlantis, and many of us were directly involved. We are now being led to the same situation and are having the opportunity to restore balance to our own past. The temptations to control gene behavior are enormous, and passing the test won't be easy. It remains to be seen when and if those involved (again) in the research will realize that it is relatively easy to balance and improve genes and their behaviour through the power of love and self-acceptance and other simple, natural means, and that it is not wortheth to manipulate genes to in order to control human resources, humanity and make a lot of money. As some stage, those scientists paid large sums of money to manipulate genes with the intention to patent new treatments, will come to their senses and realize that this is not what is going to help humanity after all. Genes are blueprints of the body, nothing else, and are only there for reproduction. You can remove the nucleus of a cell, and cell will continue doing everything it normally does. Only when it comes to dividing and reproducing itself does the cell need the genes. The DNA is completely controlled and influenced by its environment. If the surrounding tissues become congested and toxic, the genes are forced to adapt to the change by mutating. If the person hates himself or is constantly afraid, this too changes the genes (instantly). Several reproductive cycles later (all cells turn over every couple of weeks or months), a "genetic fault" may pop up that doctors then diagnose to be a genetically induced illness, although nothing could be further from the truth. If a baby is borned with a genetic defect, the genes' environment (womb of the mother, her blood, her diet, her emotions, her interactions with her husband, and any traumatic events in the lives of the parents) is has caused such an effect. Genetic defects in parents's genes may or may not also be present in the baby's genes. And so, one child born of parents with a genetic disorder may develop the same genetic disorder, and another child of their's won't. We have given too much credence to the power of genes and forgotten about the power that controls them. The future science and technology (after this one) will focus on the latter. This will bring breakthroughs that will help clean up the environment and allow both the individual and the planet to thrive without fear of survival.



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