I have done 5 liver flushes so far, and I've had good results. However, lately ive been noticing that although my stool is brownish, they still tend to float. They usually sunk, but recently they've floated. Im assuming its obstruted bile flow (even though stool is still brownish). I've also felt a slight discomfort in the right side behind my rib cage, and even in my stomach. Is it possible to get ulcers during the time that a stone is stuck, or a major blockage is obstructing bile flow? Is the only thing breaking down the food I eat, the acid in my stomach making my stomach hurt, and possibly making ulcers? Whats a sure sign that someone is getting a ulcer? For awhile now, I've noticed I get this warm sensation in my stomach. It happened today after eating an apple. It happens here and there, with the food I eat. This same feeling happened once after I did a liver flush and layed down to go to sleep. After a few mins of drinking the olive oil/GF juice I felt this rush of "warmness" going into my tummy. Its almost as if my stomach was bathed in bile which it hadnt seen or felt in awhile. Its almost as if after every single liver flush, a few weeks later there is a major obstruction. Guess its time for LF #6 (so is the "warmness" in my tummy acid from my stomach, or bile?) Any feedback would be nice. Much respect.