mysterious pain; mysterious heachaches
Hello Andreas,
I hope you can shed light on two symptoms I have.
1. i have, since forvever, soreness/ slight pain/ tightness just above my bum on the right side. sometimes this sensation moves to the corresponding left side. the pain is like something lodged there. I also feel it when my bladder is full and i need to go to the toilet. it gets relieved with bowel movement and pissing.
been to a conventional doc. he has no explanation for me. i initially though it was the kidneys till the doc pointed out tha the kidneys are higher, in the lower back.
what is happening actually??? is it serious?
2. since my bowel cleanse with oxypowder, i get sudden headache attacks when i exercise. it feels like intense tightness at the back and right side of my head. sometimes i get a less intense of this sensation after bowel movements.
Again, what is happening with my body??
with great gratitude. brian