State of the planet
Hi Andreas:
I was wanting to get your thoughts on the present state of the planet....
I myself worry about things that I see going on around me. Vast amounts of waste that ends up going back into the planet, and even dumped out at sea! Gases being emitted at a vast and steady pace, and much more. Not to mention all the pollutants that go into our foods, and things we use on a daily basis.
I suppose I worry so much because I am very health conscience (have been this way for a bout 1.5 years). It makes me feel that, it is almost virtually impossible to be very healthy in todays environments. It seems that the planet is running out of "good land," and getting over-crowded, leading to more catastrophes - what will it be like in 20 years!?
I'd just like your thoughts on these issues Andreas, and what is the best way of viewing them in your mind?
Many Thanks! Take care