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Re: to lisag

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

lisag Views: 2,086
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 494,225

Re: to lisag

Hi Joanna,

Rejuvedine is a form of atomidine. Its made differently though. The atomidine that you can buy from Baar products or the Heritage store is made from a solution of iodine mixed with chlorine. For every iodine molocule there's 3 of chlorine. Then that's put into water.

There's a guy named Phil Thomas, who started a company named cayce concepts ( He makes the rejuvedine. I learned through talking to him that Cayce recommended that iodine be mixed in alchohol after being detoxified, not water. the source of the iodine that he uses is different too; he gets the natural iodine in crystal form, very pure.

Cayce concepts is just him and a few buddies; he makes rejuvedine, wet cell battery, animated ash, and a radial appliance. His buddy makes the herbal solutions that cayce recommended.

I found out about his brand of atomidine through a review that i happened to find on the web. Here's the link for that...


ps. one thing i think is very ironic is that the stores that sell atomidine with chlorine, also sell chlorine filters!!

Hi Joanna,

Rejuvedine is a form of atomidine. Its made differently though. The atomidine that you can buy from Baar products or the Heritage store is made from a solution of iodine mixed with chlorine. For every iodine molocule there's 3 of chlorine. Then that's put into water.

There's a guy named Phil Thomas, who started a company named cayce concepts ( He makes the rejuvedine. I learned through talking to him that Cayce recommended that iodine be mixed in alchohol after being detoxified, not water. the source of the iodine that he uses is different too; he gets the natural iodine in crystal form, very pure.

Cayce concepts is just him and a few buddies; he makes rejuvedine, wet cell battery, animated ash, and a radial appliance. His buddy makes the herbal solutions that cayce recommended.

I found out about his brand of atomidine through a review that i happened to find on the web. Here's the link for that...



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