It is unlikely for your intestines to be clean when you have such irritation and discomfort after having a colonic. Also thryroid imbalances hardly ever occur without a preceeding congestive colon condition. Having done so many liver cleanses with out a post colonic could have contributed to this situation and caused more hardened structures there. The colonic may have softened up some of it, not enough to release it but to have destructive bacteria to start acting on the waste. The achiness and feverish symtoms are likely from such activities. You may try assisting the intestinal cleansing with Colosan (now also in capsule form from, and if you don't want to wait that long for it to arrive, to use castor oil internally on an empty stomach in the morning (starting with one tablespoon chased down with water, and increasing until it produces the desired result). Candida is usually present in condtions like these, but improve as liver and intestines become cleaner and the diet more balanced. I assume you meant more than 9% when you reffered to turning to vegetariansism.