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I've had enough of the brain fog!

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friendlybear Views: 7,324
Published: 20 y

I've had enough of the brain fog!

Hi Andreas,

I've written to you before and you've always been very helpful. Thank you.

I have your Liver Cleanse and Key to Health and Rejuvenation books and am trying to follow the principles laid down in them.

After improving my diet (not perfect though), exercising regularly, 12 liver flushes and many coffee enemas/colemas over the last 10 months I feel OK but still have terrible brain fog. It's making my life a misery to be honest.

My head feels cloudy, almost numb. I have problems concentrating and even speaking fluently amongst other neurological problems.

When I was 20 I joined a society called Mensa and they measured my IQ at 157. 13 years on I have had my IQ re-tested and it's now around 120. I find this very worrying.

I'm sure that my problems stem from taking an antibiotic for acne called Minocin in my late teens for 2 years. I believe this has led to a systematic candida problem.

I am at the end of my tether now and am very keen to shift the fog once and for all. In the Key to Health and Rejuvenation you state that candida can be controlled with a series of flushes followed by a water fast for 3 days.

1) I am willing to try the water fast if it's going to help me. Do you think I should give it a go?

2) I also keep reading about the importance of ionic minerals to help alkalise and balance the body. You recommended Eniva's products in "The Amazing Liver Cleanse" - is this a supplement I should start taking? Have you heard about another mineral solution called Maximol - is it OK do you think?

3) Finally, a lot of literature on the web says that heavy metals can cause candida and other health problems too. And without removing them from the body it is impossible to regain good health. Do you believe this? Should liver flushing and coffee enemas be enough to remove these metals from my system if I have them? Or should I be looking at using a metal chelating
supplement like Chlorella?

Many thanks in advance.



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