Re: Help Please!-Acne and Eczema After Parasite Cleanse
Edgar Cayce believed that Eczema is the result of leaky gut. He attributes eczema and psoriasis both to thinned intestinal walls that allow particles out into the blood stream - which then attempt exit through the skin. So since I believe whole heartedly in Edgar Cayce, I'd guess that the cleanses thinned out the walls of your gut.
Here's links that describe the Edgar Cayce protocol. Easy and cheap - 2 teas that don't cost much, in addition to other stuff.
His fixes for leaky gut are slippery elm tea in the morning, and throughout the day if its severe, and american saffron tea in the evening. (american saffron is the cheap stuff, its the italian saffron which is expensive). He also said to get chiro adjustments on t6-9 because these vertebrae put pressure on the small intestine which then continue the thinning.
Here's more info on it -
And another overview -
Dr. Pagano, who uses the Cayce protocol, adds more to it...
He adds foods do's and don'ts - no members of the nightshade family; tomato, potato, green/red peppers ...
Dr. Pagano's book is at
And last but not least, here's 2 links where you can get the teas in case you don't have an herb store nearby - do a search on saffron
There's one other product that i've heard is great... Intestinew by Renew Life.