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Thanks Andreas, report of progress
Zule Views: 1,207
Published: 21 y

Thanks Andreas, report of progress

Dear Andreas

I want to say thank you. I have been reading carefully your post and I have two of your books.

After I posted my question about my work, I felt that I needed to stop feeling like a victim and take responsibility for my life, my work and do my best. That is exactly what you responded and I felt very happy your answer confirmed my inner intuition.

I realized that what was holding me back for doing that was my poor health. It was easy to feel like a victim because I was tired and sick most of the time, but today I realized I am feeling much better, not as tired or confused as I used to feel.

What has mad the difference is that I began swishing oil because I read this therapy in one of your posts.

It has been amazing. I had had a chronic throat infection that made me very weak for almost two years. I had tried many different things to cure it and nothing worked for long time. I took tons of antibiotics that just produced candida without curing the infection.

What has worked for me, I have been swishing olive oil, every day, first thing in the morning and before going to bed for almost one month. My severe tonsil pains have disappeared, my sinuses are cleared and I feel more energetic and confident. My usually white coated tongue is finally pink.

I want to thank you so much. I know I need to stop being a victim and become more assertive and confident. Having a good health is great to achieve those goals.

The knowledge you share here with us has been very helpful.

Thank you so much for your patience and teachings.




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