Dear Andreas,
I've been drinking your kidney tea for a five days now as a preparation for my first liver cleanse. I have two questions regarding it:
1. Since I take it I can't really sleep well during the night. Either I fall asleep for an hour and then wake up for a couple of hours during the night (11,12-2,3) or I just can't fall asleep. Also, I have often some kind of very uncalm feeling in my feet and legs and feeling as if I need to massage them and press on some points strongly. Otherways, no other pains nor special things going on, except I'm tired during the day. Is this all related to taking the tea or is there some other reason?
2. Would it be ok to do a bit more intense colon cleanse (colemas, colosan or Dr Schulze's formula) in the same time while I'm taking kidney tea? My digestion has not been really good for months now, although it has improved since I started doing occasional colemas and taking colosan as a support (thanks to your advice :)
Thank you for all your help.