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How to prevent and stop hcv
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How to prevent and stop hcv

How to prevent and stop HEPATITIS C, the mystery disease that can wreck your liver! This new menace will cause 5 times as many liver transplants in coming years! It can be inside your liver for 20 years without you knowing it, until at age 60-70, your liver suddenly fails. Hepatitis C is the number one cause of liver transplants. Four million Americans have it, compared to 750,000 with AIDS. Medical authorities claim it comes mainly from drug use. Don't believe it. Many who get it have never touched drugs, never had sex with multiple partners, and never had transfusions, and still get it anyway. Hepatitis C kills 10,000 Americans a year. Symptoms can appear 20 years AFTER you get infected. The diagnosis often gets made when victims come down with chronic liver disease or cirrhosis of the liver. Much of the time, treatment fails, and even when it does work, it can cause severe side-effects. Health officials don't want to scare the public, and don't really know WHAT to do. This Newsletter, I give you a new exclusive interview with medical herbalist Dr. Schulze, whose programs have gotten many people off the liver transplant lists. Learn one of the simple methods Dr. Schulze used to get their livers working again. Dr. Schulze is world-famous for developing programs strong enough to cure incurable diseases. As for me, Sam Biser, I am known for locating unknown information that cures -- even after everything else in natural healing proves useless. BISER: What exactly is Hepatitis C? SCHULZE: Hepatitis C is a non-specific inflammation of the liver. In other words, they're saying that tens of thousands of Americans now have non-specific liver inflammation, and we don't know why. It can be a latent time bomb that sits there forever in your system. Then, as you get older, as you get into your 60's and 70's, when your system is weaker, and more run down, then all of a sudden the liver inflames and the tissue gets destroyed, and of course, you die, or need a liver transplant. BISER: Why is this condition on the rise? SCHULTZE: Every century has some kind of plague that wipes out tens of thousands of people. At the beginning of this century, we had diptheria. When you ask what it was, the answer back then was a non-specific fever. If you go into any graveyard from the 1910's to the 1929's, you'll see that graveyard filled with grave after grave of little kids who died during that plague. The elderly, who are also weak, died by the hundreds of thousands. During that plague, 15 million people died from non-specific fever. What does that mean? They had a raging fever that doctors couldn't control and they didn't know why it happened. BISER: But people say, "That's the old days. It can't happen again, because now we have modern medicine/" SCHULZE: But Medicine has no idea where hepatitis C is coming from. They don't know if it's a pathogen, an antigen, a bacteria, a virus, a fungus. All they know is that people's livers are heating up and melting down. AIDS is now currently on the decline. I've seen that statistically across the board. But hepatitis C is dramatically on the rise. BISER: People think unless you're a "wino", you can't' ever get liver problems SCHULTZE: Not true. Hepatitis C is the same kind of breakdown we had at the turn of the century. Everyone is ignoring it. People aren't talking about the liver. But they talk about the diseases you die from when the liver's not working. One of the reasons the liver's so important is because the number one cause of death, the number one, is heart disease. 99% of those who die will die from blocked arteries with cholesterol. "One of the liver's primary jobs is to remove fat and cholesterol from the blood, to get fat through the bile ducts and gallbladder into your intestines -- so you eliminate it out." BISER: But you never hear that. No one ever says that ~ what the liver does. SCHULZE: I know. No one's big on educating people about their body. Doctors think the average American is an idiot, why tell them what's going on? One of the main jobs of the liver is to remove fat from the blood. If your liver doesn't do this, the fat builds up in the arteries; it clogs the blood flow to a major organ, whether it be the heart, the kidneys, the lungs, and you die. BISER: So in other words, our diet might not be that bad, but if your livers not working... SCHULZE: That's right. If your liver's not working, if your liver's not functioning correctly, it's not gonna get the fat out of your blood. The second cause of death is cancer, and everybody knows now, the number one cause of cancer is poisons and toxins and carcinogenic chemicals in your blood. The liver's other main job is to remove and filter out of your blood the poisons and chemicals that'll give your body cancer. BISER: Lets point out, Richard, people think it's no big deal to get a liver transplant. SCHULZE: (laughter) Any time you transplant an organ, for the rest of your entire life you have to take immune-suppressive drugs. Taking an immune-suppressive drug skyrockets your risk of cancer, your risk of AIDS. In fact, they rarely have a "well" day again. Transplanting an organ and going on immune-suppressive drugs is a total dead end. BISER: But Richard, it seems like a total life- saver/ SCHULZE: Yeah, I know, I know. They never print the aftermath. It's a big star in the cap of a doctor. He played God for 18 hours in a surgery room, and gave someone a new lease on life. The reality of the aftermath is that you have to shut off your immune system. For the rest of your life, you're gonna have to live on drugs to keep you from getting bacterial and fungal and viral overload. BISER' Have you ever talked to anybody that had a transplant'? SCHULTZE: Oh yeah. I've had 'em in my offices. They always looked to me like the blood has been drained out of their body. Their risk of infection is sky-high. These people almost have to live in a plastic bubble. This is not something where you can be happy when your liver is transplanted and you go out and eat and do everything you want. Very, very few people are able to get away with that. The only real way to protect your liver from hepatitis C is learn how to take care of the liver. Flushing out the liver; tuning it. "People don't realize that the gallbladder is the rectum for the liver. It gets constipated!" BISER: What do readers need to do? SCHULTZE: What I mean by a "tune-up and an oil change" is a liver flush. It tunes your liver up because it stimulates it. It tones it. It's like taking it to the gym. It actually makes your liver do more of what it's designed to do. You need to flush your liver and gall bladder. The gallbladder is a holding tank for your liver. It s like a big septic tank. And the fats that are in there hold the poisons and toxic chemicals, and they actually harden and turn into stones. This is animal fat now encased and surrounded with poisons and horrible things that could kill you' To heal the liver, you have to flush out and also blow these wastes out of the liver's "rectum," the gall bladder. BISER: When you say "liver flush" you're talking about where a person takes olive oil on an empty stomach? SCHULTZE: Yes, that's right. We're talking about 8 ounces of water, 8 ounces or less of juice, 1-4 tablespoons of olive oil, and 1-4 cloves of garlic, and a hunk of ginger, mixed in a blender and taken for five mornings in a row on an empty stomach. (Use 1 clove garlic, 1 tablespoonful olive oil first day; if you can handle it, increase each day; two cloves, two tbs oil the second day, three cloves, three tbs oil third day, four cloves, four tbs fourth, and then taper down if you like; three of each the fifth. You follow this one half hour later with a digestive tea, which can be as simple as some peppermint, or ginger, and you can add barberry, Oregon grape, or dandelion or chaparral, if you can stand the bitterness.(Ed: Digestive tea available from 1 880-HERB-DOC listed at the end of this interview.) BISER: How often should readers do the liver flush? SCHULTZE: Twice a year is good. But if you have a problem, you can do it every month for a while. BISER: This doesn't sound like a big deal. Its just some olive oil and garlic How the heck is that supposed to help someone with a liver problem? This sounds like a joke, as if you're recommending salad dressing. SCHULZ: I understand. But it's amazing what it does. Remember, you are taking this on empty stomach, and you are mixing in herbs treat help the liver, and following it with herbal tea that further stimulates the liver. This is not my opinion, or my thoughts. This is clinical experience. I m not wasting people's time here by spouting off what might happen. I had people get themselves off of liver transplant lists by doing this and the other procedures I recommended in the Save Your Life Herbal Video Collection. BISER: How do you get people off the liver transplant lists with some darn folk remedy? You sound like a dangerous quack! SCHULTZE: You know, when I first started practicing natural healing with people, I never knew how far it could go. How far could you take it? How effective would it be? I never thought this flush and my other routines could save people's livers. BISER: To be honest, you sound like an absolute maniac. SCHULTZE. I know it sounds ridiculous. But every month, a person would do the liver flush and the many other routines in the Save Your Life Collection, and get themselves off a transplant list. I've had one man I met last year, from Pocatello, Idaho, whose wife had a sick and dying liver, and she was scheduled to receive a new organ, and now she doesn't need it. BISER You know there are books out there right now that say that the liver flush is useless. SCHULTZE: If these authors would stop printing their theories, and go into practice with hopeless patients, like I did, they would never make these remarks. I've had patients who were doubled over in pain, who called me from the hospital saying, "I have just seen the doctor. I'm in the emergency room now, and the doctor says I have to have my gallbladder out immediately; it's filled with stones, and if one of the stones catches in my bile duct, I'll be screaming; I'll be poisoned." It's very similar to when your appendix is swollen. Most of these people already had an ultra-sound done and their gallbladder was filled with black, red, purple, green gallstones, and... "The liver flush is like an enema to the liver and gallbladder." BISER: Wait a minute. Ultra-sound wouldn't show the color of these things ..... SCHULTZE: No, it wouldn't. But I do have pictures of these stones when they came out. These people would come to me right from the emergency room. And we would do the liver flush immediately. Usually within 10 to 30 minutes, they were out of pain. About 10 percent of my patients had to do another one right away, within an hour or two. And that did it. BISER: How do you know this stuff came out of patients? SCHULTZE: They used to bring in (laughter) canning jars full of the poison rocks that came out of them. They could be like little pebbles the size of the head of a pin, like large grains of sand, all the way up to marble-sized chunks. BISER: How do you know these aren't just pieces of congealed olive oil - and not a liver cleanse? SCHULZE: That may account for some of it, sure. But you can see these olive-green gelatinous lumps. They are obvious. I am talking about bloody stones, red ones, black ones, dark brown ones, hard rocks! About half of the people would go back to the doctor and have another ultra-sound. The doctor would say, "I don't know what you did, and more power to you, but your gallbladder's clean. There's no stones in it, but you should have the surgery anyway, because you'll just have the problem again." But if the person followed my advice, the problem never came back. BISER: I have seen articles by big respectable herbalists condemning the liver flush. Why are these people with serious credentials so doubtful of what you are telling us? SCHULTZE: Unfortunately, modern civilized herbalists are trying to bring what they think is dignity to the field of natural healing and herbology. They are trying to do it by condemning what we might call folksy or crude cures that they haven't tried themselves. They are trying to get recognized by the medical authorities out there by condemning things like this. And yet, thousands of people are flushing out their livers successfully, cleaning out their gallbladders, and avoiding surgeries with this folksy method. BISER: One author warned that your liver flush could cause stones to be caught in the bile duct. Any comments? SCHULTZE: The olive oil lubricates the bile duct and makes it slippery. I've never seen stones get stuck in 25 years and thousands of liver flushes. BISER: Do you really believe people could avoid or stop Hepatitis C; using this liver flush you described? It sounds too good to be true. It's just too simple. SCHULTZE: Sam, I realize you have readers who believe that all big health answers come from genetic research, or from large labs testing new combinations of space-age drugs. All I can say is: I have witnessed the power from the simple methods I am recommending. But don't believe me. Let your readers try it themselves. They will see that what I'm saying is absolutely true. Simple doesn't have to mean weak. Simple is STRONG - if you do it right! BISER: Thank you Dr. Schulze. [Editor's Note: The digestive tea I mentioned you take after the liver flush is called De-Tox tea and is available from: American Botanical Pharmacy. Write: P.O. Box 3027, Santa Monica, CA 90408. This is the only source of Dr. Schulze's formulas I recommend. (1 800-HERB DOC) Latest news from Sam Biser... During the coming year, we'll also be starting our new web-site, which is under construction. Meanwhile, I can be reached by e-mail at: I'll do my best to answer you, depending on how flooded I get. This e-mail thing is new to me, but I like being able to easily correspond with readers. I am real happy with moving the business to California. We now have a huge shipping department, and orders on the videos are going out real fast. We have a wonderful new customer service department and I'm working every week to train them to help you better. California is a mecca for natural healing, and it's a great place for this kind of work. By the way, I would love to hear from readers who have used the information in my video set, "Top Ten Herbs for Big Diseases." Have any of you readers stopped emergencies in your homes by using the information on these videos and User Manual? One reader saved herself from a poisonous insect bite which was wrecking her health. One man stopped a stroke as it was happening. Another man saved his wife from an emergency angioplasty after she suffered chest pains during a family vacation. If you've been able to stop an unexpected emergency with this information, please write me today. Send your letter to me personally: Sam Biser, Emergency Cures, c/o Save Your Life Videos, P. O. Box 8122, Van Nuys, California 91409-8122. Please keep in touch with me. This is the most important year ever, and you're an important part of it. After 26 years of writing for you, my best work is still coming. Best wishes for a tremendous year to all my friends out there: Sam Biser - A HEALTH WRITER WITH GUTS


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