When I first wrote The Amazing Liver Cleanse and The Key to Health and Rejuvenation I still lived in Cyprus/Mediterranian where people began living the modern lifestyle only 20-25 years ago. There are still a lot of healthy people out there, especially among the older generation. After 6-8 liver cleanses most everyone's liver was clean. When I moved to the States, the experience was very different. I found that 6-8 cleanses are not enough to cleanse the liver completely. It took me personally 12 cleanses to eliminate my 3,500 stones and be completely clean. I had about 40 gallbladder attacks prior to that, but what helped me was that I never ate junk food in my life. There are some individuals who need as many as 20 cleanses to be clean. I can only advice you to keep cleansing until no more stones come out and your symptoms have subsided.