Re: Allergies give you itchy ears.Mine gone thru flushing
In one respect, I totally agree with the other therapists. Many of today's diagnostic techniques are often more dangerous than the condition itself. Thousands of people suffer debilitating injuries or death as a result of such medical curiosity, when there is no benefit in knowing what the symptoms looks like. The procdure mentioned is highly questionable and risky. Besides, there is nothing in their ability that can do anything about HCV. This doesn't mean, however, that you cannot cure yourself.
As I have explained in The Amazing Liver Cleanse (, Hepatitis C and intrahepatic stones go hand in hand. To develop an HCV infection, you have to have at least several thousands of such stones congest the bile ducts of the liver. I don't agree that HCV is uncurable. The hepatitis C virus attacks liver cells that are weak, damaged, wornout, that have lost their ability to produce Interferon. The stones in the bile ducts knick of blood vessels, nerves and lymphducts, thereby weakening liver cells and making them prone to infection. The virus is not there to destroy the liver. Quite to the contrary. It destroys as many of these damaged or weak cells as possible to prevent them from turning cancerous. By removing the stones, you are setting the precondition for self-healing to occur.
There is major emotional trauma involved in your experience with HCV and other events in your life prior to that. If you feel so inclined, you may want to check out Sacred Santemony on my website I may be able to work with these energetic disturbances and genetic distortions behind the disease processes.