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Re: Epsom Salts - kidneys
Andreas Moritz Views: 4,491
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 488,001

Re: Epsom Salts - kidneys

Dear Marks,

I can only speak for myself and for the poeple I have been working with over many years. There has never been indication that this is true. Kidney problems develop for a number of reasons, mostly due to colon and liver congestionn, diet ,and blood vessel wall thickening. To blame Epsom salts for harming the kidneys, and not the real culprits, is poor judgment. In combination with the liver cleanse, Epsom salts are actually helping the kidneys. A diet beverage with aspartame in it or a beef steak loaded with nitrates and a lot potential uric acid (waste product), or a dehydrating beverage (alcoholic beverage), etc., are way more harmful than a cleansing agent that actually assists the body dumping less toxinss and junk in the kidneys.

When I was a child, I took Epsom salts for nearly ten years, every day for constipation, but my kidneys have never suffered any harm. So I certainly cannot support that argument. If someone is allergic to Epsom salts, magnesium citrate may be a milder alternative.



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