Re: 40 day fast and liver flush
Dear Rebekah,
I am not in favor of P&B shakes for reasons I have explained many times on this forum. For example, they can remove important minerals from the intestines, lead to constipation and even injure the intestinal walls. The roughage can be harsh for sensitive GI-tracts. On the other hand, it has helped a lot of people recover from major intestinal trouble. However, these intestinal cleanses may offer only short-lived benefits. The colon can get clogged up very quickly again, unless liver cleansing and dietary/lifestyle adjustments are being made, too.
I used to do P&B shakes and recommend them to many of my ptients in Europe many some 12 years ago, but began to have much better results with less extreme and more gentle methods. I also found that most of the released black/dark matter consisted of expanded Psyllium and still was produced after the intestines were comepletely clean.
I would not do a liver cleanse right after fasting. Fasting drastically reduces bile production and it takes a whole before bile production goes back to normal. During the liver flush you want the liver release the largest amount of bile possible in order to force stones out of the bile ducts. For dietary recommedations and directions of the procedures involved in the liver cleanse (incl. pre and post-treatments) see The Amazing Liver Cleanse,