I thought you might find this interesting and for future reference for anyone else. After 4 weeks after my last flush i have not been able to get rid of the trapped stones. i did 3 colonics, lots on colemas, 2 bottles of Oxybliss, PB shakes, probiotics,activated name it. And still just could not get them. Then i remembered Primal Defense. I;m not sure what you know about this product but I know your not a fan of probiotics and I understand why. But for post liver flush thet are a must. These probiotics go and colonise around the wall of the colon and push anything there out., unlike most probiotics which are just transitory..they are extremely agressive. Well I did 20 a day for 2 days and everythign was gone. I cannot recommend these enough for a post liver flush protocol. These things clean up anything left from the flush and they do it very fast. Thought you might like to know. You can read all about them here