I lost a ton of weight- went from 130 to 115 pounds since mid March. I had dental work and couldn't eat. Then, I started having constant nausea (dental work was not quite finished) and was feeling "funny" after I ate. I finally saw my family doctor (ironically on the same day as the last of the dental work). An ultrasound showed gallbladder polyp and liver nodule - CT and PIPIDA are scheduled. RAST testing found elevated IgE with multiple allergies. food allergies included corn, soy, peanuts. I had pretty much cut everything except meat and vegetables out of my diet because I felt so funny after I ate. Yet, I feel rotten most of the time and am now scared to introduce food back into my diet since everything seems to have some sort of corn or soy in it. I don't like taking medication and am a bit nervous about cleanses/ herbs. Supposedly I am not allergic at all to dairy or yeast, but milk with this inflamed gallbladder doesn't feel good! Never used to have problems eating anything. Not sure how to get over fear or what I can eat that is "safe". Anyone been there, done that?