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Re: ??to remove impacted feces and mucoid plaque??
brenda50 Views: 3,678
Published: 20 y
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Re: ??to remove impacted feces and mucoid plaque??

Dear number,
The place I go does not allow anything in the water, so I can't add anything, unfortunatly. I have not done the clay, mainly because I am not familiar enough with it but imagine that it helps to soak up toxins.

Yes, I do fiber, psyllium, sometimes with apple pectin or similar added; I do a couple of tablespoons in a glass of water morning and evening. Also, the nurse has told me to take 2-3 grams of buffered C-vitamin and a good quality oil supplement while doing the cleansings, the former for detox, the latter for healing as they told me that the colon will have small tears and perforations when it is not clean.

With this protocol, I haven't had any mucoid plaque coming out. I don't know if this means that the protocol won't remove it or if there just isn't any. But I have had a lot of old, hard and impacted waste coming out, every time. I have been in to 7 treatments so far and I think that I might just be getting to the colon walls in 75% of my colon now. I haven't had an especially bad diet, eat few fast foods and sugars and for most of my life, I've had a western-type diet.

Once I get through this and have the entire colon cleansed of old stuff, I plan to continue with the fiber for the rest of my life. I don't think that I really get enough fiber to suit my colon and my digestion seems to function better.

Benefits of colon cleansing: clearer skin and eyes, less bloating and cramping in my abdomen, better bowel movements, which have a more normal consistancy and size and exit the body easily, and the best for me is loosing those unexplainable aches and pains in my body that caused stiffness and muscular aches and headaches for no discernable reason. The last really frustrated me as my doctor said that the aches were a sign of age - happily, the colon cleansings have proved him wrong.

Once I get through this series, I will use probiotics intensively for 2-3 months, then just a maintenance dose, and get a series of cleansings 1-2 times a year to maintain. I am hoping that this will work; the staff say that they do a cleansing series 2x per year.

This answer has been a little long but I hope that it helps, and I'd be interested to hear how it goes for you, and what you might share of knowledge.

Happy cleansing,


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