Re: Megan
Hi Yemaya,
I'm not sure where I first heard of it...must have been somewhere on the internet. I think years ago there was an encapsulated form that the wolffe clinic in BC was selling (very overpriced...the whole little bottle probably only had a few
ounces in it...that wouldn't have got me anywhere). I'd forgotten about it, and been trying other things, and then I started hearing more about it here.
Good quality food grade DE is hard to find around the city (at least I couldn't find any) hearing of garden harvest supply was great...I got a whole bag of the stuff...thought I'd give it to my dog too and see...
I think DE is usually just used for insects or as a livestock dewormer. It's sharp enough to cut parasites/insects, but harmless to us. Nice how that works...but, I think it's still most effective with insects because it's able to cut and dehydrate them better if they aren't living in you where there's always fluid. I think the fluid does take away from how sharp it can be.
Still it seemed to get some of them...I'm hoping for much more....yesterday didn't get we'll see. If I hit the jackpot I'll let you know!
Take care....~megan