I managed to find some Neem Oil Soap which I used in my bath to try to help treat animal skin mites. When I got out the bath the areas that are most heavily active with skin mites i.e my arms and the top of my back were covered in the darkest red burn marks. My skin was burning almost on fire. I contacted the manufacturer - it is a 100% pure skin product - and I appear to have two conflicting reports. One person said this was a normal reaction as the mites are treated and another person said I had reacted allergically to the product. I doubt I reacted allergically because I used the Neem Soap all over my body so therefore the burn/rash would have been everywhere NOT just on my arms and back. As for it being a sign my skin is eliminating - I dont know?. Maybe my skin is just all sore and the Neem Oil is just too strong. I have another cream with Tea Tree Oil and Aloe Vera and this wonderfully soothing. Anyone any thoughts on the Neem Oil? It is supposed to be capable of killing mites and insects but surely not at the expense of burning your skin (the burn marks have completely vanished this morning) but I STILL feel to be crawling with insects. So no improvements anyway so far. Thanks for any info. or thoughts. They are much appreciated.