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Update on my decision to stop all dairy -
freelastchance Views: 1,163
Published: 20 y

Update on my decision to stop all dairy -

Here's how I've been doing -

It's been 2-3 weeks now I think since I decided to quit eating all dairy products. Well, I've done pretty well besides about 1 small mistake per week, but those were actually cooked dairy. I have'nt been Zapping daily, just about every other day and I haven't had any real Acne problems, just some light breakouts after eating dairy. Oddly enough, that's the only thing that has caused them. Not even fatty meat, Oil or anything - Well, on Thursday I went with my sister to a food show (she is a store manager) and I had Ice Cream and a few other Milk and Cheese products. Well, I had drank some extra Kombucha before I left (anticapating this) and also took some when I got home. I broke out a little bit, but not bad compared to what I used to have, then I Zapped that evening. YESTERDAY, I ate a sandwich at work, with Swiss Cheese and Cream Cheese. I did not Zap until the evening, but by then I had some real problems. YIKES! It's aweful, but I am so excited. LOL, I'm sure it's crazy, but I'm absolutely done with dairy. The Zapper has been awesome, but the little bacteria infections that just keep on coming back, those are from dairy - and apparently that's the ONLY place I've been getting enough of them to effect me.

Top of the day to you!

P.S. I can't remember if I posted the origional in here too?


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