Response from Dr. Knight
Hi nursehew26:
I'm searching hard for the same answer. I'm also looking into removing
parasites from under the skin or those that imbed themselves into
muscles. When I find answers to each one I'll be sure to post them.
So.... follow rabbitears when you can. If I don't find anything then
I'll let people know that too.
I did write Dr. Galen Knight who is a researcher on DE and parasites.
As soon as she gives me permission to publish her response I'll put it
on the forum. Her conclusions from the test results indicate that DE
only stays in the intestinal tract and never goes into the blood stream
(drag!). In part, this is good news because most of the parasites and
deadly amebic pathogens that are in the intestines, especially the
larger ones, that can be destroyed by DE; however, others do migrate
Dr. Knight was very clear about using DE Flour not regular DE -- I
believe this was stated earlier, but very important to emphasize.
By the way, parasites do cause dizziness. It happens to me too. This happens when they give off toxins. Another note with my own research. We have mercury in our bodies (tooth
fillings or otherwise) and mercury does go into the brain and opens the
door for other possibilites to occur. It does make sense that mercury
does weaken the barrier allowing the parasites easier entry. Perhaps if
we shut this door and elminate deadly toxins, access to the brain will
be shutdown. But, if they are already there, this is another matter. I
know that an oxygen rich environment shuts out parasites too.
I think that I would like to try this metal toxin remover. It's expensive but may be worth it.