alot of bullsh*t and some good info
There is some good info in those articles mixed with bullsh*t, which makes it what?
What do you get whne you mix nice organic carrot juice with bullsh*t.
Well, I think you know the answer.
(I would still call it bullsh*t.)
i have no time (would take several hours) to dissect all sentences and to expose all the bullsh*t from those articles, (how long time would it take to separate carrot juice from bullsh*t...) but in this turn I will just focus on this:
"Humans are Seldom Affected. Anthrax is a livestock pathogen. There are anthrax spores in the ground in rural areas, because they survive for about twenty years. They normally have no effect upon humans, because a few anthrax spores cannot create an infection, and they do not come up from the ground in large quantities. "
All this is true! 100% true! but, it is still bullsh*t.
Hello!!!! we are talking about weaponized Anthrax, not about some livestock pathogen that we are surrounded with.
The author forgets that anthrax as a weapon is not the same anthrax that affects livestock. It is genetically altered to be 100 times more virulent!
anthrax as a weapon has been engineered by both USA and Russia, and USA anthrax killed few people 2 years ago. it is deadly!!! it is not the same as livestock pathogen. bullsh*t!
please read the book "Health and nutrition secrets" by Dr. Russell Blaylock.
he is a smart doctor, he is against vaccination, but he knows that weaponized anthrax is deadly. read pages 377 - 389. read the whole book!