Re: First time parasite cleanser... this is scary!
I was speaking to this person today and they said they use Limes, cane juice and bird pepper to do cleansing. I guess the bird pepper is instead of ceyenne pepper.
I actually did eat all raw food today. At the Wellness Festival they had a booth wwith raw food. I even had a mango pie that was very good. It was this Rasta guy that does all raw food. Unfortuantely he doesn't live in town. I can't say I loved all the food but it was o.k. and really filled me up quickly. Oh but I did eat soy ice cream.
Why not diary? Many times when I eat diary I have bowel movements. It's just started happening over the last year... I'm thinking maybe I've become Lactose intolerant???
I ended up drinking the tea last night but nothing happened. I will try it again tonight.
I have to be very careful with the fruits and vegetables b/c they don't use pesticides so there are pests...
Thanks for your reponse.
I think I can find most herbs here.. they readily have GNLD, Symmetry, etc but they are just more expensive I think.