I have no personal knowledge or experience with live blood cell analysis, but on p. 182 of the book "Restoring Your Digestive Health" by doctors Rubin & Brasco, they warn about the high potential for false diagnoses with this test method, depending on the skillset of the clinician. Just so you know. There are blood serum antibody tests which appear widely accepted:
There's mycoplasma and/or herb links below (too many to directly link) which you can copy-and-paste into your browser's address bar. To quickly find what you're looking for on a given page, you can click "Edit" on your browser's bar, then "Find on this page," typing in "mycoplasma."
You mentioned a water well issue. You might do Google searches with the words "water treatment well," "water treatment survival," and "water treatment camping." This will bring up various means of treating suspect water, whether through chemical means (sodium hypochlorite/laundry bleach, Iodine compounds, etc.) or physical means (reverse osmosis, high-density spun-poly filter media, etc.). I'd further research this beforehand to make sure that water would be a transmission source -- it might not. Good luck!