I have a 5 1/2 month old daughter and yesterday morning when I changed her diaper it was runny orange like usual(she nurses) and it had 250 + little black things all in it .It looked like pin worms but BLACK and they were not moving . She has had 4 more BM since and all have strings. I freaked after finding a sheep fluke site and made an appt at her Dr. Took her there and Her DR. said in 30 yrs he has never seen anything like it . I took the diaper. He sent me to the lab . I told him I started mixing bananas in her cereal 2 days ago and he said that wouldnt be it . I found a picture of the same things on this site and someone said it was bananas . Anyway It will be next WED> before I get the test and I cant wait that long please help and tell me has anyone seen these before WHAT COULD IT BE????????