after 25 years of having environmental allergies i can say i have not had an outbreak since feb 2002! that means i went through this summer without any problems with rag weed, fresh cut grass, etc! also to mention i used to be highly allergic to pets! expecially cats.
in grade/high school i was never able to spend nights at friends houses who had cats because my eyes would swell, sneeze like mad, could not breath, my chest tight...the worst. all usually within only minutes of being in a house with pets mostly cats, sometimes with dogs.
dust was another scenario...
anyway, i did The Master Cleanse which can be found on this website. last month i slept over at a friends house who has 3 cats. i had to sleep on her futon where the cats sleep...and you guessed it! no problems. i slept like a baby.
im convinced that it was the cleanse.
consider the cleanse if you have not already done so!
peace :)