Re: Pumpking Oil and Amazing Results!!!
woops, hit the button without typing in.... :D
this cleanse was hardcore! can you tell me how much time you needed for the whole process? i'm gathering about one evening plus the entire next day according to your recipie above.
also, were you able to prepare much of the enema solution before hand, since you did them so often. it would seem to make the process a bit easier if you were able to. i've done numerous cleanses and have done hydrotherapy, but not enemas on my own. would you suggest this for someone like me? i feel confident that i could do it.
did you fast before this flush? since you ate a bit in between i figure it was to keep moving things along in your small intestines.
i would like to do a more complete cleanse, instead of bits and pieces. this seems like it really took care of two major cleanses at the same time. i've done a liver flush, and my first time was very very successful. i've gotten rid of a bunch of parasties with only one week on
Clarkia (which i had to stop, major rash breakout). if i can do it without the tincture, it would be beneficial for me.
thanks for your time!
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