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Re: more on implants
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Re: more on implants

matches Plajaren prophecy as well... as they prophesy and predict that America and Europe will lead the world into microchipping the populations by (beast) supercomputers and deep space platform networks... Some have said it will be by invisible laser tattoo of the UPIC code on the forehead or right hand... while others interpret the obvious etch of the implant into the skin in those locations... in either case, it is clearly for the COMPUTER to control all things and all buying and selling in the NEAR future -

There is only ONE physical salvation in all this - only ONE (not speaking of the Spiritual, but the PHYSICAL salvation). There will be only ONE way to avoid the mark of the beast and LIVE the prophesied 42 months of the persecution and holocaustal years.... I suspect that this coming ruler will venerate an ALIEN god, this GOD of FORCES or Baal, belzebub, god of those things that go "flit flit" from place to place or of the Skies (UFOs).

Strangely a lot like the TERMINATOR Movie - interesting too like Star Wars - complete with U.S. Military CLONED soldier humanoids... after all Richard Coombes work on America Babylon reveals that America is aligned with the negative alien technology givers and dark forces... ? ? ? Maybe that's why 25% of all Fed. research money is given to transgenics research, and these developments. As in the days of Noah, genetics tampering rises and increases worldwide.

History repeats itself, and yet another civilization (the 6th) comes and prepares to GO as the 7th will follow. Jeepers.... There is NOTHING NEW under The Sun.

:) Reminds me of that song by Engima.


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