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Image Embedded Re: urgent alert from Army Intell Capt. May!!!
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi Views: 2,914
Published: 19 y
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Re: urgent alert from Army Intell Capt. May!!!

All nuclear power plants are to be monitored.
NUCLEAR DISASTER DRILL. At 9:36 am on June 15th, the Durham County, NC
Nuclear disaster drill at the nation's largest nuclear power facility. at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, some 50 miles west of downtown Phoenix.
Nuclear-related establishments(Nuclear entities) have to:
o Formulate a nuclear disaster prevention action plan .
o Appoint a supervisor for nuclear disaster prevention.
o Maintain radiation monitors to detect any abnormalities.
If an emergency occurs in a nuclear facility, emergency measures must be taken quickly and accurately to ensure the safety of local residents who live around the facilities. The "Joint Council on Countermeasures against Nuclear Disaster" must be immediately organized by the national government and the local governments at the Off-site Emergency Center. Exchanges of countermeasure information must be carried out in cooperation with those involved.
Nuclear disasters differ from natural disasters like earthquakes or typhoons: It is difficult for the general public to perceive the scale of nuclear disasters because radiation is unseen and unfelt.
You can learn from the following how to protect yourself and also how to prevent secondary disasters.
[What should you do if an alarm sounds or you are notified of a nuclear accident?]:
If an accident occurs at a nuclear facility, the necessary information to local residents will be provided using various kinds of communication by the prefectural government and the municipal government.
You should stay calm to begin with. Next, you should keep the following in mind:
o Listen carefully to declarations in your area over the community wireless system, notification by loudspeaker van, and so on, for instructions.
o Immediately turn the local radio or TV on to get accurate information and instructions.
o Stay indoors until you receive further instructions.
o Take care not to be misled by false rumors.
o Do not use your telephone, leave lines open for emergency calls.
o Check on your neighbors to make sure they have been notified.

Sheltering and evacuation are protective actions that may be instructed in case of a nuclear accident.
"Sheltering" means to stay indoors - in houses, schools, businesses or public buildings during an emergency situation. Sheltering may be instructed when there is little time to react to an accident.
"Evacuation" means to depart from a place or area as a protective measure. Evacuation decisions will be accident-specific: If the radioactive release occurs slowly, or if there is a situation that cannot be controlled within a short time, then evacuation may be the sensible option.
[If sheltering is instructed]
The following actions should be taken to avoid nuclear contamination and to reduce radiation exposure:
o Close and lock windows and doors.
o Turn off air conditioning, vents and fans.
o Bring pets inside, and make sure there is sufficient food for your pets.
o When coming in from outdoors, take a shower and change clothing and shoes and put items worn outdoors in a plastic bag and seal it.
o Obtain up-to-date information from loudspeaker van, radio and TV.
o Stay inside until authorities say it is safe.
[If evacuation (or moving into concrete buildings) is instructed.]
First of all, make sure that the evacuation instruction applies to you. Next, find out where emergency evacuation area (or the instructed building) are located. Affected residents will be advised as follows:
o Unplug all electric appliances and turn the gas off.
o Call neighbors, help and support one another.
Remember, your neighbors may require special assistance--infants, elderly people, and people with disabilities.
o Lock the windows and doors.
o Have disaster supplies on hand. (Flashlight, Battery-operated radio, Emergency food and Water, Essential medicines, Cash and credit cards, other valuables etc).
o Walk to the evacuation destination: Do not drive.
[If you are outdoors and are told to evacuate]
You should go inside as soon as possible. If there are contaminants, you can provide a minimal amount of protection by covering your mouth and nose with a cloth.
Furthermore, wearing goggles, hat, and raincoat is effective in avoiding contamination. Before entering emergency evacuation area, put items worn outdoors in a plastic bag and seal it as described above.
[Taking iodine protects you from radiation.]
Take potassium iodide (KI) tablets if advised to do so by your medical provider or local health officials. There are several reasons why taking KI tablets is not recommended without the proper supervision: There are medical risks with taking KI tablets, such as overdosing or allergic reactions.
KI tablets are only effective in blocking radioactive iodine in the thyroid. Radioactive iodine is only one of many radioactive products which may be released during nuclear reactor accidents.
Your primary risk from a severe radiological accident is a whole body dose of radioactive material, not just radioactive iodine accumulation in the thyroid. The use of KI tablets is not a substitute for evacuation or sheltering.
KI tablets are recommended only as an addition to other protective measures, such as evacuation, sheltering and the provision of uncontaminated food. Check with your medical provider for more details on taking KI : For instance, adults 40 and over without pregnant women should not take KI. KI of syrup-type eliminated the bitter tastes should be recommended if a child cannot swall KI of tablet-type.
KI tablets prevent an accumulation of radioactive iodine in your thyroid. When taken, KI tablets saturate your thyroid with non-radioactive iodine. Once saturated, your thyroid cannot absorb any more iodine.


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