Re: About population control
Andy, just to help get you started, here is a reference to a previous post, within which is a link to a book by Dr John Coleman. This book is a fairly long read since it essentially documents the hierarchy (at least, one man's perspective) of the NWO. Within this book are many references to various shadowy people, places, organizations and projects, including a separate web link on the topic "Global 2000".
Global 2000 was a formal population-reduction study done, overtly, at the behest of President Carter during the late 70s, headed by Cyrus Vance. Many believe that, covertly, Carter was compelled to commision this project by various figures within the NWO, to include the U.N. .
Just a few words of advice: 1) if you are genuinely interested in the population control conspiracy, prepare to do a lot of reading; 2) ideally, your reading should be comprised of a fair amount of sources you find on your own; 2a) if instead you end up favoring sources primarily told to you by other people, this in itself could be construed as a mini-conspiracy by some people, the mini-conspiracy being that you are being lead to favor information directed to you by somebody else. In either case, by reading on your own, you can then be left to your own devices ala "decide for yourself" on the information you research and read.