Helpful Hints for Navigating Curzone!
Hi! There certainly is a lot of info here which is what I love about curezone. It can be overwhelming though.
Here is what I would do:
* Scroll the the top of this page and check out the
blue bar. There are several different words you can click on. I would start with "cleanses", "diet, "Dr.Clark", and whatever else might interest you. Many of these pages have links that will keep you clicking for hours. This blue bar should be at the top of every page here at curezone so you should always be able to find it.
* Use the
search tool right above the blue bar . This is a regular Google search, so just type in the words you are interested in. Use quotes if it is something very specific.
* At the top of some forum pages, right underneath the title of the forum you will often find
FAQ&A. This am invaluable collection of frequently asked questions and answers for that particular forum.
* If there is someone whose posts you enjoy reading, you can click on the button that says
"See all of soandso's posts" at the top right corner of the message box and you can see all of their posts in a particular forum.
I hope this helps out. Let us know if you have anymore questions and best wishes on your healing journey.